Get Your personalized Soul Blueprint



Uncover the Keys to Your Spiritual Wealth 


Your Unique Spiritual Road Map

Are you ready to unlock your maximum potential?

If you look at the current status of your life, you can only see the surface level challenges that you are facing in the 3D physical world.  However, beneath the surface, you will find deeper foundational lessons that are imprinted within the cells of your being. I call this your Divine Wealth Blueprint.

I’ve seen many women focus on attracting money, doing all the things that are involved with manifesting, visualizations, meditations, chakra cleansing/balancing, or even past life regression. They’ve tried so many different approaches to make money, feel good, vibrate at a higher frequency but nothing lasts. (I was one of them).

The one thing all these women have in common is a distorted bioenergetic field that manifested into physical form, like fatigue, anxiety, emotional distress and even physical body pain (neck, low back, and knees).

The more these symptoms are ignored or masked, the more you will keep painting the same picture until you get to the CORE of the issue that’s holding you back from reaching your full spiritual wealth potential. It’s not enough to just DO the things without understanding the truth of your life. We all come here to learn lessons, to build our knowledge into wisdom that allows us to ascend into higher conscious beings.

This session will provide a navigation system of your life so you can finally understand what lessons you are facing. We will dive deep to uncover the core challenges to achieving freedom, creating cash flow and living blissfully in your goddess flow so that you can finally know what talents and gifts you are working with to overcome karma and manifest your Divine Mission.



Finally, know the foundational ROOT cause of the emotional and physical symptoms taken over your life 

Allow you to live meaningfully and with way more love, money, & fun

Provide a structured approach to  step off the wheel of karma that has you repeating the same behaviors over and over

Jump-start the flow and help ease any physical or emotional pain you may be experiencing

Empower you to express more of your talents and achieve your goals

Manifest your divine mission



Finally know the foundational ROOT cause of the emotional and physical symptoms taken over your life 

Allow you to live meaningfully and with way more love, money, & fun

Provide a structured approach to  step off the wheel of karma that has you repeating the same behaviors over and over

Jump-start the flow and help ease any physical or emotional pain you may be experiencing

Empower you to express more of your talents and achieve your goals

Manifest your divine mission



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