Blue Blood Wisdom Podcast offers support to expand your consciousness with tools and techniques you can use to transform and raise your vibration instantly. I reveal Spiritual Truth as we reclaim our divinity and reach a new standard of living as we approach the new human era.

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About Ellyn’s Channelings

Ellyn has gained a massive amount of wisdom through her journey as she went from a dark place in her life, being an angry victim of circumstance to a Warrior who still fought to survive. As she evolves and makes her way into truly embodying her divinity, Ellyn shares her ascension teachings as a means to uplift awakened souls and empower them to join Planet Earth’s ascension into the 5th Dimension.

There are massive changes coming on all fronts to support the growth of the energy-consciousness paradigm.

Ellyn will help you prepare for this new paradigm and adopt a spiritual life, where you can transform your hardship into abundance using her techniques and tools that you can use in your life.  

Start listening to make the shifts now using Ellyn’s unique method with the Gateway Life Lessons™.

You can support Ellyn with her mission by sharing the episodes with your friends and family.

Ellyn Katherine

Ellyn Katherine


“I hope that you enjoy my raw stories on my awakening journey as I share how I embody my divine self, bring awareness into everyday choices, live my best life and fulfill my divine mission by applying ancient wisdom translated from real experiences” 

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